React.js Routing vs Next.js Routing

I was learning Next.js and noticed that its routing is file-based, which is simpler compared to the more complicated routing in React.js.


1 min read

Next.js Routing

File-Based Routing:

  • Automatic Route Creation: In Next.js, routing is built on file-based routing. This means that the file structure in the pages directory directly maps to the routes of your application.

  • Simple and Intuitive: Each file in the pages directory automatically becomes a route. For example, a file named about.js in the pages directory corresponds to the /about route.

  • Dynamic Routes: You can create dynamic routes by using square brackets. For example, a file named [id].js will match any URL segment at that position, such as /post/1 or /post/hello-world.

  • Nested Routes: Nested directories within the pages directory creates nested routes. For example, pages/blog/index.js will map to /blog.

React.js Routing

Manual Route Configuration:

  • React Router Library: In React.js, routing is typically handled using the react-router-dom library, which requires manual route configuration.

  • Declarative Route Definitions: You define routes using the Route component inside a Switch or Routes component. Each route must be explicitly declared, which can be more flexible and complex.

  • Dynamic Routes: Dynamic routes are defined using path parameters in the route definitions.
